Warrenton Southern Interchange


Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)


Dewberry Engineers Inc.


Warrenton, Virginia




November 2020

Warrenton Southern Interchange

In February 2018, Shirley Contracting Company, LLC was awarded the
Warrenton Southern Interchange Project by the Virginia Department of
Transportation. The Project replaced the existing at-grade intersection of Route
15/17/29, Route 15/17/29 Business, and Lord Fairfax Drive with a grade-separated
interchange. The newly constructed interchange includes two roundabouts and a
bridge in place of signalized intersections to improve safety and capacity. In
addition, the project included a new bridge over Route 15/17/29, a new 10’ wide
shared use path (2,000’), a new park and ride lot for commuters (20 spaces), a lighting
system for the roundabouts, new landscaping, and all new roadway pavement.

The Project scope also included right-of-way acquisitions of 4 parcels;
coordination and relocation of facilities owned by different utility companies on
common pole lines; acquisition of environmental permits; construction of the new
bridge over existing Route 15/17/29; new 10’ wide shared use path within the
interchange totaling over 2,000 L.F.; a new Park & Ride lot; interchange lighting;
contractor administered quality assurance and quality control; coordination of public
involvement; coordination with an adjacent construction project; and coordination
with Lord Fairfax Community College.

As the Design-Builder and Lead Contractor, Shirley was responsible for
management and oversight of all aspects of construction, including design and
engineering, right-of-way acquisitions, permitting, coordination of utility relocations,
public outreach before and during the Project, overall Project administration and
construction management, and Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Shirley was
the primary point of contact with the Owner in public relations and getting notices
out to the traveling motorists, businesses, home-owners and local politicians. Shirley
was also responsible for creating and monitoring the schedule throughout the design
and construction phases.

The aggressively scheduled project was completed on time, without claims, and
with change orders that consisted of owner-directed modifications to add project scope.