Safety Starts with Me
“By becoming a member of the Shirley Contracting Company Team, you have agreed to adopt our most important Core Value:
Safety…. Each of us has the responsibility to ourselves, our families, our coworkers, our customers, and the public to ensure that an accident-free environment is our way of life – regardless of cost.”
Just as the Safety slogan currently on the back of every Shirley Contracting safety vest states, “Safety Starts With Me”…every employee plays a vital role in the Safety Culture throughout the organization. People are truly our most important asset, so therefore the importance of safety for our employees to go home in the same capacity as they arrived is paramount.
“I choose to work for Shirley because of the safety standard. This is what makes it different from any other construction jobs I’ve had.”
– Dashon Latta (Vacuum Truck Operator)